Can you run a fully farmable Radra team?
It’s long been stated that if you didn’t have the Radra optimal team, then you shouldn’t buy him. In the past, the optimal team was:
Radra / DKali / DKali / Indra / Isis
This later evolved to something similar to:
Radra / DKali (Lightning) / DKali (Ichigo) / Indra / Isis (Orochi)
And back then, early in Radra’s first meta, it made a lot of sense. There were far fewer farmables available and really nothing could replace those cards. However, the mentality that you need the perfect team still exists.
For reference, the optimal team right now is something like:
Radra (Indra) / DKali (Raijin) / DKali (Lightning) / Kanna (Facet) / Isis (Orochi)