Button Farming – Weekdays, Guerillas

 Button Farming

Button farming saves a lot of time in coop because generally it it never goes to the second player. There are no combos to count either.

Most people think that button setups are not accessible but really player 2 tends to just bring skill boosts which is done with Tengus.

Note: some of the builds will swipe on the last floor. This is often done because there bosses have too much HP to reasonably button.

A lot of variation can be made to all of the following teams.

Button Speeds:

True Damage: Non-Awoken Ra is the fastest button (or any card that has the same skill such as Mechadon or Ra Tamadra). Awoken Ra has the animation to apply the time buff.

Nuke: As far as nukes go, Grimmjow is the only one at 250x (Juza is a light 200x, AVritra is a dark 200x) and is also the fastest out of all of them.


Wednesday Legend

Arthur (or Goemon) / Ra (or any true damage) / Rodin / Rodin / Unit-13 (Grimmjow)

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra]    


P2 can bring any of the above cards. Those are not required either. A lot of substitutions are possible with farmable buttons. Otherwise, bring SBR and SB on P2.

Rodins can be replaced with true damages.

Actives are just used in order to clear the dungeon.

Note that you need 100% sbr for this dungeon. Player 2 will usually have to fill the rest of the SBR themselves depending on what buttons P1 chooses to bring. Yang Guifei can button any of the floors and comes with 2 SBR so she is ideal instead of Ra / Rodin for the middle 3 slots (also 2 SB like Ra).

Thursday Mythical

Goemon / Ra / Ganesha / Rodin / Vritra / Flex Leader Pair

 [Reincarnated Ra]   

Actives are used in order to clear the dungeon.

Flex leader pairing should be Yamamoto or Awoken Cao Cao. Rodin and goemon work as well.

Ganesha is there because there’s a premptive strike on Floor 3 and you’ll be at 1HP entering the floor. The enhance also helps for dealing the needed 4M damage on the trifruit floor.

Ra, Ganesha, Vritra can be inherited on fire-type cards for more damage.

Swipe on the last floor to kill.

Friday Mythical

Rodin / Ra / Ra / Goemon / Flex / Flex Leader Pairing

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] 

Actives used in order.

Flex leader pairing should be Yamamoto or Awoken Cao Cao. Rodin and Goemon work as well.

Flex should just be any fire card.

Ra can be replaced with any true damage.

Swipe the last floor.

Evo 18

Arthur (or Goemon) / Rodin / Rodin / Unit-13 / Unit-13 (Grimmjow)


Actives are used in order. First unit-13 can be any active that deals over 200k  (so 200x or 250x should both work, like Vritra).

Grimmjow can be inherited on anything with 1816 attack or more. Juza can be used on anything with 2270 attack or more.

Predra Infestation

Ra [2SDR] / Ra [2SDR] / Ra [2SDR] / Ra [2SDR] / Ra [2SDR]

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra]


Can be any true damage with skill delay protection (inherits or SDR).

Tan Infestation

Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra]

IT’S RAAAAAAA (why does this feel exactly like the last one?)

Can be any true damage.

Super King Carnival

Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra]


Can be Rodins / Arthurs / Anything that has a decent multi-attack damage spike. Farmable would be Mechadon / Bane or Goemon with Devil Fish. (Keep in mind Goemon cannot be used after already using Goemon UNLESS you either heal, or do not have a full board of fires anymore).

Tamadra Infestation

ALWAYS DO 50 STAM TAMAS. I collected some data over about 100 runs and T50 beat T25 on a 50 stamina basis (3.1 vs 2.6 awakenings per 50 stam on average).

Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra / Ra

[Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra] [Reincarnated Ra]


Keep in mind that the last floor binds so your 5th button either has to be unbindable or bring 2 buttons for the last floor (your 5th button + friend leader).

Can be any true damage.


Anji / damage / damage / damage / Ra

    [Reincarnated Ra]

Same thing as last setup, either Ra (unbindable) or partner brings another button in case yours gets bound.

Damage can be literally anything that does a mass attack.

Extreme King Metal Dragon

See super king carnival. Last button MUST be Awoken Ra or another 50k or higher true damage (Lumiel/Famiel/Muse, etc.)

Star Treasure Thieves Den

There are 3 basic setups, the first 2 require a swipe and the last is straight button.

Old Style Goemon

Goemon / Betelgeuse / Devil Fish / Devil Fish / Devil Fish / Goemon


Goemon and Betel need levels and some plusses with this barebones setup. The three together need to be able to hit 4M damage.

Good news though! Rodin or Rodin Tamazo can take the place of Devil Fish (Tamazo needs +99 attack, ROdin needs +45). With Rodin / Tamazo you won’t need plusses on Betel / Goeys.

Use actives in order and swipe on the last floor.


New Style Dios

Dios / Arthur / Devil Fish / Devil Fish / Devil Fish / Dios


Again, use actives in order and swipe on the last floor.

Devil Fish can be Vritras / Rodins / Rodin Tamazo / Anything that nukes 120k or more as a mass attack.

Dios don’t need hyper.


Best Style Button

Arthur / Rodin / Rodin / Rodin / Masamune (Grimmjow) / Masamune (Grimmjow)



Actives used in order. Masamunes need +99 atk. The ONLY cards that can replace Masamune (currently) are Athena Another, Crusader Another, Jize, Unit-13. IF YOU ARE USING CRUSADER, he must have 5 atk latents AND be paired with a unit-13 or Athena another for the second.

This build has no swipes.

Golden Mound Ganesha Button

Ganesha (Vritra) / Arthur / Vritra / Masamune (Grimmjow) / Masamune (Grimmjow) / Ganesha (Vritra)



Player 2 must bring a Rodin or equivalent damage because there is a 25-50% chance that floor 1 will require a pass.

Floor 1: Arthur. If it doesn’t kill, use a pass for player 2 to kill the floor then pass back.

Floor 2/3/4: Vritra and Ganesha(Vritra). Vritras can be replaced by equivalents.

Floor 5: Both Masamune (Grimmjow).

Even with 2 passes this far surpasses the speed of the Dios + Nascar setup.

Monday Legend – Ganesha Button

Player1: Ganesha (AALuci) / AVritra / AVritra / Masamune (Grimmjow) / Masamune (Grimmjow) – 9SB



Player2: Ganesha (AALuci) / Tengu / Tengu (Ra) / Masamune (Grimmjow) /Tengu – 15SB


                      [Reincarnated Ra] 

Floor 1: Use both Ganesha(Lucifer)

Floor 2: Vritra

Floor 3: Vritra

Floor 4: Use both Masamune (Grimmjow)

Floor 5: Pass to player 2. Ra

Floor 6: Masamune (Grimmjow)

Note that you don’t need that many tengus. Grimmjow on floor 6 can be juza. On floor 4 it can be Vritra or Juza. Lots of variation. Masamunes can be almost any multi-boost card.


Have other button setups for other dungeons that I didn’t list? Post them below!

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