How to Farm: Takeminakata. No Skyfall, Ganesha, 5 active kill


This guide will be on farming Takeminakata which is one of the +30 descend drops. This guide is a proof of concept because people told me that it wasn’t possible to make a no skyfall, 5 active kill in NA (the previous build assumed No.6 for the killers to kill Takeminakata).


Why was this more difficult to make? Takeminakata has about 6.3M HP vs some of the other descends where you see the bosses at 2-4M which makes it much easier to killer. Takeminakata also has 3 premptive hits, creating a situation of having to clear 4 floors and make a board for floor 5, using only 5 actives. Adding in that 6th active is very easy, but remember, this is a proof of concept and those willing to make it can see benefit in how many partners they can pair with (not needing any specific inherits) and speed (one less active). Just be aware, this is whale and high investment.


Demonius Dark Exodia – Almost Full Swipe Farm with Meridionalis

 Dark Exodia Farming with Meridionalis

Finally something else to do! FARM FARM FARM GO GO GO DEXODIA HAS LANDED.

Honestly he’s not that useful but still a farmable >1k weighted stat dark. He’s very similar in leader skill and active skill to his light version but with slight changes. It was suggested that he could be a very strong leader with dupe subs of himself when he first came out but his 4 dark combo requirement is simply too high.



How to Carry: Gaia Dragon with Meridionalis

 Gaia Dragon Carry Method with Meridionalis – 2 Versions

Gaia Dragon is a unique farmable card, giving you a DKali board with shield on a 9 turn cooldown, along with 950 weighted stats. The double TPAs and single TE mean that it can feasibly be used on Ronove teams and can be effectively used for a farmable Another Crusader team.

It is also used as an evolution material for Odin Dragon and may be used in a future evolution to Ragnarok Dragon (if he ever gets a new evolution).

Similar to Noah Dragon, Hera Dragon and Zeus Dragon guerillas, these guides make use of the pinpoint accuracy of Meri’s no skyfall clause.


How To Carry: Noah Dragon with Meridionalis

White Rainbow Ark, Noah Dragon Two Noahdra Carry Setups with Meridionalis

Two of the most difficult parts of Noah Dragon Decended are Noah Dragon’s random absorbs and the whopping 52.5M HP with 5M damage null.  The former means you can get horrible RNG with consecutive bad absorbs, while the latter means it’s very hard to one-shot; doing so requires precise damage control and sub attribute damage.  In addition, if you don’t one-shot, you will have to take a skill bind, and so need 100% SBR.

Keeping this in mind, I automatically turned to Meri, as her no skyfall clause lets you greatly control damage, and her RCV multiplier (6.25x) lets you stall through many turns on Noah Dragon.

Below you’ll find Meri x Meri and Meri x Blodin setups. You can easily vary both, but the damage control for both are very precise, so you’ll have to figure that out yourself.


How to Carry: Heph Dragon Descended with Meridionalis

 Heph Dragon Farm / Carry Method with Meridionalis


Heph dragon is easily one of the hardest radars in A3 for most teams owing to the fact that he has a 15 turn skill delay and 7 turn timer. Since most damage enhances come in the form of inherits for most teams, this means your attempt to kill him will be done without a spike, on a 7 turn timer, with few actives, and a required 79M damage.

Most teams solo cannot deal with this making it very difficult for solo UA3 players to achieve their Heph Dragon drops.


How to Carry: Hera Dragon Descended with Meridionalis (Ceres Control)

 Hera Dragon Farm / Carry Method with Meridionalis (Control Version)

Hera Dragon is easily the most requested Radar with Zeus Dragon given both are used for top tier MP Dragons. However, Hera Dragon was never featured in any OSC meaning far fewer people have her for their Yomi Dragon evolution.

This guide features fully farmable player 2 subs to make it easily accessible to everyone (with Meri).

This one is a bit easier to make than farming 2 Zeras worth but requires a 297 unlike the Zera one. Carried side is also significantly more stringent.


How to Carry: Hera Dragon Descended with Meridionalis (Double Zera)

 Hera Dragon Farm / Carry Method with Meridionalis (Zera Version)

Hera Dragon is easily the most requested Radar with Zeus Dragon given both are used for top tier MP Dragons. However, Hera Dragon was never featured in any OSC meaning far fewer people have her for their Yomi Dragon evolution.

This guide features fully farmable player 2 subs to make it easily accessible to everyone (with Meri).
