How to farm: Goemon +30 – March 2018 Build

How to Speedfarm Goemon with only buttons!

This build is kind of whale and requires assist Brachydios.


I tried to make this look more whale by adding XSolais (Grimmjows) for floor 1-3. That’s actually not required and you only need something to do about 70k per floor. ROdin and other cards can easily accomplish this with no Solais / Grimmjow required.
Unfortunately, XSolais with 3 ATK+ and Brachydios Assist Evo are required… all 3. A single one can button floor 4 with two being enough to button Goemon. Of course if you can’t make this and only have a single XSolais (Brachydios) consider buttoning floor 4 and swiping 5. You can even use 2 buttons for floor 4 (say 2x Brachydios) and swipe on Goemon.

How it Works:

Floor 1: XSolais (Grimmjow)
Floor 2: XSolais (Grimmjow)
Floor 3: XSolais (Grimmjow)
Floor 4: XSolais (Brachydios)
Floor 5: XSolais (Brachydios), XSolais (Brachydios)
That’s it!

Cheers and happy farming! I hope this was fun to read and feel free to stop by the Puzzles and Kupo Carry Server for PAD discussions, theorycrafting, teambuilding and of course carries by clicking the banner below!

2 thoughts on “How to farm: Goemon +30 – March 2018 Build

  1. Just curious about the difference in damage between brachydios inherited on xsolais vs NYame no uzume. Taking into account the added bonus of type inheritance, would that put ny ame higher in attack power? Or does that bonus not get factored into the nuke? Running 5 NY Ame would also mitigate the difference in skill timing with the added SB. (Obviously if a dungeon has skill bind xSolais Would be preferred)

    1. There’s still a difference of 90 attack when including a max leveled brachydios assist evo on ny ame vs xmas solais making the xmas solais still required.

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