How to farm: Gaia +30 – March 2018 Build

How to Speedfarm Gaia with no swipes!

This takes advantage of the Gaia 1.5x to gods to deal more damage with the buttons.

How it Works:

Floor 1:  A Lubu
Floor 2: Rodin
Floor 3: XMas Solais (Brachydios)
Floor 4: XMas Solais (Grimmjow)
Floor 5: NY Ame (Brachydios)
Floor 6: NY Ame (Brachydios)
That’s it! One person full button clear.


Player 2 is really only there for the lead and skill boosts. Leads can be swapped between the teams.
Rodin can be any mass attack active that has 2 SB and deals about 82k but does not drop Player HP below 6k (Nergi Hunter or Ra). Alternatively, ALubu can be inherited on a higher SB card and a lower SB mass attack can be used.
The XSolais can be more NY Ame but NY Ame CANNOT BE REPLACED.
Brachydios is unfortunately required for all 3 of the floors. Grimmjow can be replaced by another mass attack that deals 320k damage at roughly 40% HP. Vritra or ALubu should still work.

Cheers and happy farming! I hope this was fun to read and feel free to stop by the Puzzles and Kupo Carry Server for PAD discussions, theorycrafting, teambuilding and of course carries by clicking the banner below!

One thought on “How to farm: Gaia +30 – March 2018 Build

  1. I’m thinking of building something like
    Tengu.Nerg Hunter/NY Ame.Brachydios/whaledor.ra/ny Ame.brachydios/Ame.brachydioswith a friend tengu.nerg Hunter.

    Friend brings whales for sb.

    Helps build for a friend who doesn’t have brachydios or NY Ame potentially.

    Nerg f1
    Ra f2
    Ame brachydios f3
    Friend Nerg
    Ame brachydios
    Ame brachydios

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