Chronicles of Bad Luck GL1TCH3D: Frahje of Exodia

An ongoing Chronicle of Worst Luck GL1TCH3D.


No, not Freyja. We’re talking about that goddamn piece of Exodia. That big hulking ex-best weighted stats that’s also farmable.

This one right here.

I remember after getting the Deus Ex Machine part and another part while helping record runs of MZeus carries that Star Justice was next on the list for farming a part. I decided that it would be easier to focus on targeting specific parts since I have a few already. I heard enough stories of people running MHera or MZeus many many times for all the parts available on those dungeons. Since there are multiple parts that can drop it’s hard to target. I didn’t have a swipe team either for MHera or MZeus so I decided to just swipe through the easier dungeons.








Star Justice, was an absolute massacre.

Frahje is about 2% drop or 50 runs from statistical data.

So I was prepared for 100 given my luck (wouldn’t make much of a bad-luck-chronicle if I actually had any decent luck).

Another spawns are also about 2% (Dagni / Another Justice + Goose + Crusader / Hinomitsuha).

You can imagine that I wasn’t expecting this to happen…

Started running. Another Justice

Cool it’s my first one

And another Another. Another another Another. Another another another Another. Another another another another Another. Another another another another another Another.


What else could I do except cry and spend a week evolving 5 of them?

No, I did not find Frahje that first night. I went back the next time Justice rotated around AND GUESS WHAT I FINALLY FOUND?


Finally, Frehja drops. I lost count of runs but if you assume an average of about 50 runs per Another, that makes about 350 runs.

The feeling of despair…


-Chronicles of Bad Luck GL1TCH3D: Frahje

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