How to Speedfarm Farm Izanami +15 with swipe leaders!
(No pictures again… no access)
This guide will show you a more general way to swipe farm Hera-Ur that can be applied with all swipe leaders for speed.
Let’s look at the floors:
Flr 1: Junk
Flr 2: Light Prempt Junk
Flr 3: EZ Button
Flr 4: Prempt
Flr 5: Hera Ur
Honestly floor 1-4 are very easy to button by themselves but the mechanics together make it more difficult.
Sample team:
Blodin (Shield) / Zeromus (Dathena) [ATK LATENTS] / Multiboost (AALuci) / Noah / Multiboost (Grimmjow)
Meri / Floof / Floof / Floof / Floof
How it Works:
Floor 1: Zeromus
Floor 2: AALuci
Floor 3: Shield, Noah
Floor 4: Grimmjow
Floor 5: Swipe
That’s it! One person clear.
Player 2 is really only there for the lead and skill boosts.
Any 100% shield for Minerva (who is red) will work. Depending on the swipe setup you choose (ALB / Glav Hunter).
Noah is not a hard requirement but a hypered Noah will kill floor 3 and provide a swipe board, otherwise for the other leads you need to shield, Ra on floor 3 then board on floor 6 (you have a spare active).
The Zeromus part is unfortunately one of the most important parts to this. Mass attack 200x button. Unfortunately his base attack isn’t the greatest so we need the attack latents and the hypered DAthena inherit (highest dark in the game). To get enough attack, you need to get 8% extra attack on hypered Zeromus which means you must use the double attack latents and an extra slot latent for this (3x double attack latents is 9%).