Yu Yu Hakusho Collab Review – May 2018

 Yu Yu Hakusho, or YYH for short, is a widely anticipated collab REM. *SPOILERS* The main character is extremely powerful for clearing A4 which also happens to have recently come out in North America (Good timing!).
It’s also the first time that we’ve had REM trading in NA which is a new feature called Trading Post introduced in V14. This allows you to trade 4 GFEs or other 6 stars from the collab REM for a specific 6 star from this collab. A lot of people are wondering if Yusuke is trade worthy to give up single copies. Hopefully I’ll be able to give some guidance and insight with my opinion on this collab.

Bleach REM Renewal Review – Nel Added! New Buffs!

Bleach REM Review 2017 – Break what ain’t broke

Collab REMs have been very strong lately. With Edward being the most recent (deserved) whale bait in NA with Monster Hunter having been close as well providing Amatsus and Diablos to a lot of new owners, collabs have amazing potential. Will the new Bleach REM hold up? Or will the updates to Bleach not be significant enough to make it any more relevant than Voltron (outside of Grimmjows of course!).
Buffs usually go live the Thursday or Friday before the REM which will be simultaneously launched with JP on April 9th like King of Fighters was!


XMas REM Review 2017 – Break what ain’t broke

XMas REM Review 2017 – Break what ain’t broke

Seasonal REMs have been very lackluster lately and unable to attract as many people to rolling. This is largely due to horrible top end rates (8 stars being <1% chance) and so much filler (80% silver rate) meaning you end up with FAR more than you’d ever want to see while chasing for a specific 8 star.

However, over the last year we’ve seen changes to this and hopefully Gungho will be more rewarding to players that decide to spend on REMs that are traditionally trappy as I called this very REM last year.

What changed? For one, the silvers were removed from this REM. Yes, you heard that. 80% of rolls were silver in seasonal / collab REMs so this is a nice change. It will be worth looking out for whether the percentages of everything else just get increased or if the golds take on the 80% rate, 6 star gets the ~15%, etc. But one further step is that instead of the 1.25x rate ups for the 8 stars, they’re giving a whopping 3x rates which, taking the roughly 1% we’ve been seeing lately, brings us to 3% on boosted days. This should hopefully take chases from roughly 344 rolls to 100 or so.
